Measuring the impact of your training courses: tools and best practices

Colombe Mandula and Homéric de Sarthe explain why and how to carry out in-depth work to get a clearer idea of the effectiveness of training investments.


40 min reading

According to the latest France Compétences report published in 2022, over 26 billion euros were invested in vocational training in France the previous year. Often, the measure of impact is very partial.

It is essential to carry out in-depth work to measure the impact of training for several reasons:

- This determines whether the training objectives have been achieved and whether the learners have acquired the necessary skills. In other words, it determines whether the training was effective and whether it added value to the company.‍

- companies can also assess the return on investment (ROI) of training, justify the costs associated with training and determine whether further investment is necessary.

- finally, measuring the impact of training can help identify areas where learners need further training or support, and thus help companies improve their training programs.


This impact measurement involves defining new indicators and transforming training methods to ensure that learning is measurable and applicable in the workplace.

With :
Homéric de Sarthe, President of PITCHBOY
Colombe Mandula, Co-founder & Chief People Officer, Simundia
